ACCORD/TfP supports and participates in the 9th Annual Training Implementation Workshop
Reviewing the progress on implementing the 2017 African Standby Force Training Directives.
Reviewing the progress on implementing the 2017 African Standby Force Training Directives.
ACCORD/TfP conducts course for the civilian dimension experts nominated from the African Standby Capacity rosters.
The AUC co-hosted a workshop exploring the future of the African Peace and Security Architecture.
Contributing to the enhancement of the ASF capacity for its mission planning, deployment, management and implementation.
Bringing together representatives from the UN, African member states, and partners of PSOD to strengthen the capacity of the ASF.
Contributing to the AU’s Peace Support Operations Division in strengthening peace support operations in Africa.
Unpacking the AU’s decision to introduce a levy on imports, with the aim to strengthen its relationship with the UN.
ACCORD attends seminar focusing on status and future of the African Stand by Force.
ACCORD meets with SADC-Secretariat to develop ASF operational guidelines and procedures.
ACCORD gives presentation on conflict dynamics and resolution at course for participants from various Southern African ministries and government departments.