African Standby Capacity Core Group Meeting
Exploring the progress and priorities: Aligning human resource policies, enhancing visibility, and planning a milestone celebration for the ASC Roster’s 10th Anniversary.
Exploring the progress and priorities: Aligning human resource policies, enhancing visibility, and planning a milestone celebration for the ASC Roster’s 10th Anniversary.
Equipping civilian experts with the frameworks of African Union Peace Support Operations, to enhance mission efficiency, effectiveness and successful execution of AU mission mandates.
Ensuring Compliance and Accountability on the ASC Roster to prevent Human Rights violations in Peace Support Operations.
Efficiently linking HR and the ASC Database for mission deployment.
Integrating the ASC roster into human resources policies of the AUC and RECs/RMs.
Building capacities of the North Africa Standby Force Civilian Roster Focal Points
Alignment of regional and continental recruitment and deployment procedures for the civilian
component of the ASF
Building capacities of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) ASC Roster Focal Points
Generation of Civilian Capabilities of the African Standby Force
Improving coordination with the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms to enhance the operationalization of the ASF