ACCORD - Report - Mediating land conflict in Burundi - French

Mediating Land Conflict in Burundi (French)

ACCORD has been active in Burundi since 1995, playing a second-track diplomacy role in the Arusha peace negotiations that led to the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi in 2000. As a third party advocating the inclusion of civil society in the peace process, it subsequently engaged in the promotion of peace, reconciliation and effective governance as well as the facilitation of a National Dialogue on Mechanisms for Transitional Justice. In November 2004, ACCORD established its Legal Aid Clinic Project, supported by the UNHC), to provide the local population, and specifically the returning refugees, with assistance to deal with the challenges faced by both the welcoming communities and the returnees in the repatriation process.

Download the French version of the report here.


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