
Seun Abiola

In April 2012, Seun Abiola joined ACCORD, as a Senior Programme Officer in the Peacekeeping Unit. She held this position until May 2014 when she left ACCORD. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Wadham College, Oxford University, (UK) and a Masters Degree in Anthropology and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Prior to joining ACCORD, Seun was based in Nigeria as a Researcher and Programme Officer for the human rights non-governmental organisation Prisoners’ Rights and Rehabilitation Welfare Action (PRAWA). PRAWA promotes Justice and Security Sector Reform in Africa with projects aiming to redress the rule of law and human rights violations, as well as to improve access to justice, detention conditions, the humane treatment of detainees in prisons and police cells, and the wider criminal justice sector. Seun had worked in Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and Sierra Leone implementing projects in collaboration with stakeholders such as National Prison and Police Services, Ministries of Justice and Interior, National Human Rights Commissions, civil society and traditional leaders, as well as the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights’ (ACHPR) Special Rapporteur on Prisons and Detention Centres.


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