Paul Okumu heads the Secretariat of the Africa Platform (AP), a Pan African Platform working with societies, governments and businesses to rebuild the Social contract and re-establish the society as the source of state legitimacy and the final authority to whom all development actors businesses, development partners-are accountable. In this capacity he is responsible for brokering relations between the governing and the governed, the development actors and the development beneficiaries, and society and businesses, to strengthen state legitimacy and accountable development. Paul also supports AP’s work on network building, Civil Society Accountability, Global Policy dialogue and Civil Society-Academia networking for effective Policy work. His work on Peacebuilding and State Building under the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) has focused on state legitimacy and its impact on democratic processes, long-term peace, effective Governance and accountability of international actors. He sits on the Global UNDP Civil Society Advisory Committee and the UNDP Regional Program Advisory Board for Africa. He was written extensively and engaged in several speaking engagements in corporate engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Development and Civil Society health and influence. He has facilitated and chaired various Global and Regional Dialogue Forums on State-Society Relations, Development Effectiveness, and Peacebuilding and Statebuilding and sat in the Steering Committee of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS).