
Bamnjo Herman Yenika

Research / Lecturer at the University of Bamenda Cameroon

Bamnjo Herman Yenika is a dynamic young researcher/lecturer at the University of Bamenda Cameroon, Department of Political Science; he was born in Jakiri sub division of the North West Region. He is into conflict related issues especially community conflict and peace building. He has consulted in many conflict related organisations in the North West region of Cameroon, his mission is to be able to have a society where conflict can be manage and those in conflict situation cared for .Bamnjo Herman is an author of two books that are expected to be published in months ahead; Engaging the community in Peace Building: The case of the Anglophone crisis and Journeys Across Continents: Navigating Survival, Emigration and Transatlantic Experience” .He is presently carrying out a research on assessing the level of participation in decision making during the current armed conflict in the North West Region.


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