
Annukka Kurki

Junior Expert

Annukka Kurki was a Junior Expert in the Peacebuilding Unit at ACCORD. In this role, she provided programme and administrative support to the Unit, particularly focusing on civil society capacity-building in South Sudan, research on best practices of conflict sensitive approaches, and the review of the Peacebuilding Handbook in view of releasing the Handbooks’ 2nd Edition. The Handbook is the Unit’s flagship publication and has been used as a key source of training material by ACCORD and other organisations involved in peacebuilding.

Annukka had three years of work experience in supporting/coordinating projects and programmes with peacebuilding and development organisations, both in headquarter offices and in the field. Prior to joining ACCORD, Annukka worked as a Project Coordinator of Changemaker Academy; Finn Church Aid’s and Changemaker Finland’s joint peace education program for young adults.


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