
Agau Bul Deng

Former Programmes Department Intern

Agau Bul Deng joined ACCORD as an intern in the Programmes Department. She has previously served as an intern in the Mediation Support Unit (MSU) under Peace and Security Division of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). She supported the organization and implementation of knowledge sharing and capacity building workshops across the Horn of Africa region, fostering the greater inclusion of youth and young women as participants and facilitators for these workshops. Agau is also a part of the South Sudan Women Research Network with the Rift Valley Institute, where her research explores the role of women in peace engagement and conflict resolution in South Sudan, focused on the case study of Bor, Jonglei State. Additionally, she is a member of a social enterprise, Ma’Mara Sakit Village, an Arabic Phrase translated loosely as Not Just a Woman. Agau previously trained in peacebuilding with Search for Common Ground in South Sudan and, as a volunteer, has contributed technical advice to Search’s youth-led radio program and collaborated with Search to promote local-level understanding of and engagement around the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

Agau holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. At university, she coordinated public lectures and organized extracurricular activities to promote experience sharing with prominent youth leaders in the peacebuilding realm and inter-university engagements on the role of youth as agents of change. Agau recognizes women as great ingredients to a sustainable and lasting peace on the Continent, and therefore, their involvement and participation in Peace and Security needs to be embraced.


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