ACCORD Programme

Make Peace Happen 2010

“On 21 September, Africa joined the rest of the world to mark Peace Day. For Africa, this day was especially significant, as 2010 was declared the Year of Peace and Security in Africa.

Peace Day, therefore, represented an important milestone for the Year of Peace and Security. 21 September was a natural bridge in the implementation of this important campaign that allowed the continent and its international partners to review the achievements and challenges thus far and to make or revise its plans for the future. It is important that we all continue to work together to ensure that this year is marked by more than a series of symbolic activities, and that it becomes a true catalyst for sustainable peace initiatives on the continent.

Let us continue our hard work to achieve all the objectives of the Year of Peace and Security in order to demonstrate our commitment to this cause and our ability to succeed at what we set out to do.”

As part of ACCORD’s contribution to making peace happen in 2010, the following were some of the highlights of our work during the year of celebration: