Training on Negotiation Skills

Flag of Zimbabwe
The flag of the Republic of Zimbabwe flying at United Nations headquarters in New York (UN Photo/Loey Felipe)

Facilitating training for civil society, trade unions, student movements and mainstream political parties in Zimbabwe.

ACCORD is civil society institute whose work involves interventions in conflict situations in Africa through mediation and negotiation, training, research and conflict analysis. The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Youth Leadership is an exciting and action-packed programme designed to develop Zimbabwean young citizens who are also African and Global citizens. The FES approached ACCORD with a request to facilitate a training for civil society, Trade Unions, student movements and mainstream political parties on negotiation skills. The training was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 25-26 March 2017.

The primary purpose of the training is to enhance the skills and knowledge of participants to find solutions for conflicting interests by effectively and efficiently negotiate.

The outcomes of the training:

  • Opened up lines of communication between youth leaders of different political parties
  • A common understanding of dialogue and violence free election was demonstrably reached by the participants and
  • A programme of engagement for violence free elections between the youth political wings was agreed upon.

The civil society, student movements and Unions claimed their inability to control or freely engage in any aspects of the socio-political and economic situation which, on the contrary, remains with the various political parties present on the ground. The inclusiveness of the training afforded all stakeholders to dialogue about this challenge in a constructive manner, taking into account different needs, interests and positions. The training on negotiation specifically provided a positive insight on the importance of having all parties carry the same level of influence, albeit with varying responsibilities, in the process of nation building.

The Peacebuilding Unit was represented by Mr Kwezi Mngqibisa, Senior Interventionist Specialist and Ms Nontobeko Zondi, Programme. The African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme (APCP) at ACCORD is an initiative funded by the Government of Finland since 2007.

For more information on ACCORD’s work relating to the APCP, please contact Ms Bezawit Kefyalew, Senior Programme Officer, Peacebuilding Unit, ACCORD at

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