TfP/ACCORD takes part in AFDEM strategic planning workshop

A view of Durban City Hall in South Africa (UN Photo/Rick Bajornas)

Workshop presents an opportunity to discuss expectations, create solutions, formulate collaborations and define roles and responsibilities.

TfP/ACCORD has participated in the African Civilian Response Capacity for Peace Operations (AFDEM) strategic planning workshop. The workshop aims to develop a consolidated strategic direction of AFDEM, which will take into account the expectations of all stakeholders. The engagement presents an opportunity to discuss and agree on expectations, create solutions, formulate collaborations, define objectives and also roles and responsibilities.

TfP/ACCORD made an input towards defining AFDEM’s goals, objectives, and proposed intervention areas; provide views and recommendations regarding the review of the AFDEM vision and mandate; provide guidance on how AFDEM can engage with stakeholder institutions in order to attain its goals; help determine priority areas relating to individual institutions present, as well as priority areas in the peace support operations environment; and recommended areas of engagement with AFDEM based on the strategic plan.

The strategic planning workshop was organised by AFDEM, and was held from the 20th – 21st of June 2013 in Durban, South Africa, to further engage with stakeholders and partners. Representatives from Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NORDEM), Canada’s Civilian Reserve (CANADEM), POLITIET, the Kofi Anan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) personnel were present to identifying major initiatives which AFDEM needs to undertake to fulfil the identified strategic objectives. These include, the provision of effective rostering and tracking services to TfP partners, the provision of technical support to the development of the African Standby Force (ASF) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs); the development of close relations with key partners such as the AU and RECs; to strengthen organisational capacity and diversity funding for sustainability; to develop rostering strategies for field based operations, and to work towards a market leader in rostering and deployment for Africa. The Programme was represented by Ms Seun Abiola – Peacekeeping Unit Senior Programme Officer, and Ms Olivia Davies – Peacekeeping Unit Programme Officer.

The strategic planning with stakeholders in peace operations was important, as AFDEM needs support from relevant stakeholders, to make key decisions, on strategies and approached to improve the deployment of skilled personnel in peace operations. Stakeholder’s input contributed to identifying major initiatives which AFDEM needs to undertake, in order to achieve its strategic objective.

A strategic plan was developed, which reflects the expectations and views of partners and stakeholders. This is seen as essential to the success and sustainability of AFDEM’s interventions in peace support operations. The objective of the workshop was met, as the consolidated strategic direction of AFDEM’s strategic plan takes into account the expectations of all stakeholders. Noting that one of TfP/ACCORD’s strategic training approaches is to link training and rostering to improve multidimensional peacekeeping on the continent, the Programme will continue to engage with AFDEM in this regard.

The Training for Peace Programme at ACCORD is an initiative funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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