ACCORD, in partnership with the African Union Mission in South Sudan (AUMISS) hosted a virtual Strategic Thinking Meeting to plan the launch and operationalization of the FemWise-South Sudan Chapter. ACCORD’s Advisor on Women, Peace and Security, Mrs Pravina Makan-Lakha facilitated the strategic meeting which took place on 25 April 2024.
The process to establish the FemWise-South Sudan Local Chapter began in November 2022. It included a Strategic Thinking Meeting that resulted in the formulation of a comprehensive joint action plan. One of the action points outlined was the Training of Trainers (ToT) for FemWise – South Sudan Women Mediators, which took place in August 2023.
The groundwork laid over the past three years set the stage for South Sudanese women to formally inaugurate a FemWise Chapter. This virtual strategic meeting was convened again by AUMISS and ACCORD to outline the chapter’s role within the context of South Sudan and its modalities. The forthcoming chapter is important for the women of South Sudan, providing them with a platform to spearhead conflict prevention initiatives at a national level with enhanced efficiency. The establishment of the FemWise – South Sudan Chapter is significant as it contributes to the representation of women in all key sectors which is reflected in the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution to the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ACRSS), as part of their role in peace processes.

As the FemWise-Africa Network decentralises and establishes local chapters among its member states, three out of the 55 AU member states have already inaugurated their own FemWise chapters, including Uganda, Malawi, and Ethiopia. South Sudan and Zimbabwe are currently in the process of developing their respective national chapters within the framework of FemWise. Ms. Gloria Kabage, representing the AU, provided insights into the experiences of the three countries that successfully launched their chapters and emphasised the pivotal role of consultations and a multi-stakeholder approach in the establishment of these chapters. Ms. Kabage underscored the importance of engaging various stakeholders, including government bodies, civil society organisations, and grassroots communities, to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness in the implementation of the FemWise chapter in South Sudan.
The meeting recognised the importance of establishing a steering committee and developing key strategic documents that will guide the chapter in its operationalisation process after the launch.
ACCORD will continue to provide substantive and technical support to the FemWise South Sudan Local Chapter, and discussions are underway for the launch of the chapter.