ACCORD undertook a field research mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 8-24 August 2007. Mr. Gustavo de Carvalho, Research Coordinator with ACCORD’s Peace and Security Unit, conducted several meetings with key stakeholders in the peacebuilding context, in order to assess the different coordination processes that are currently being implemented in that country in terms of peacebuilding efforts.
These meetings were conducted with the United Nations Mission in the DRC (MONUC), UN agencies, and local and international NGOs.
The field research, together with field research conducted in Sudan and Liberia, will provide a deeper understanding of peacebuilding coordination functions and needs in each of these individual countries, and as case studies will support the development of curriculum for a new programme being set up by ACCORD. The African Peacebuilding Co-ordination Programme aims to enhance coherence across the peace, security, humanitarian, development and human rights dimensions of African peacebuilding operations. Its purpose is to improve the planning and coordination dimension of Africa peacebuilding operations.