Learning and Networking Exchange

Women’s International Peace Centre

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Great Lakes Region.

On 08 – 11 August 2022, ACCORD attended a learning and networking exchange opportunity hosted by Women’s International Peace Centre in partnership with CORDAID in Kampala, Uganda. The Regional Exchange targeted twenty representatives from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan CSO partners. The practical learning space provided participants with a first-hand information shared by organisations with related expertise in post conflict peace building, lessons on security sector reform, and Women Peace and Security in the Great lakes region.

The networking exchange adopted a participatory approach where each participant was able to share their experience at a country level, on how they tackled the challenges they face on Just Future programmes. ACCORD’s “Capacity Strengthening Initiative for Women-led NGOs and CBOs in South Africa” beneficiary, Ms Thenjiwe Tshabalala was provided with the opportunity to travel to the event and share her experiences on strengthening women’s participation in peace processes at a local level. Ms Thenjiwe highlighted the importance of capacity building initiatives aimed at strengthening local and national early warning mechanisms supported through women’s empowerment. The participants discussed and explored opportunities for deepening engagement and collaborations between mechanisms and networks, women’s rights organizations, and grassroots women mediators.

The 4-day exchanged visit allowed participants to network with their peers from other countries around strategies on civil-military relations, building networks in shrinking civic space, the role of women in Security Sector Reform, access to justice through legal clinics and Women Peace Security in the Great lakes Region.

Article by:

Lwandile Moyo
Programme Officer

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