KwaZulu-Natal Premier’s State of the Province Address acknowledges ACCORD’s work


Newly-inaugurated Premier of KZN remarks on ACCORD's work and Dr. Gounden’s contributions to continental and global peace initiatives.

On 28 June 2019 ACCORD’s Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Vasu Gounden attended the State of the Province Address delivered by the newly inaugurated Premier of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Mr. Sihle Zikalala.

The Premier addressed the province of KwaZulu-Natal on key areas that the provincial government seeks to focus on during his tenure which included: job creation, improving the delivery of services, growing the economy, human settlements and sustainable livelihoods. The highlight for ACCORD was the Premier’s special mention and acknowledgment of ACCORD, remarking on the work carried out by the Institution and recalling Dr. Gounden’s contributions to continental and global peace initiatives.

In wishing the Premier well during his term in office, ACCORD looks forward to continually supporting all efforts towards a peaceful and prosperous KZN.

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