On 11 – 12 July 2024, Dr Vasu Gounden, the Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, participated as a resource person in a High-Level Consultative Workshop on mediation. The meeting was organised by the Mediation Support Unit (MSU) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Mombasa, Kenya.

The IGAD region aims to put in place regional preventive diplomacy and mediation mechanisms to coordinate interventions in de-escalating conflicts and guiding mediation efforts. The consultation aimed to reaffirm Member States’ commitment to enhancing regional preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention, and mediation efforts. It is also an important part of evaluating IGAD’s experiences over the past decade since the establishment of its MSU and its effectiveness in preparing regional responses to possible conflicts through early warning mechanisms. The primary goal of the Workshop was to create a Regional Mediation and Conflict Resolution Strategy to expedite intervention and address the need for preventive diplomacy and mediation. The anticipated results from the Workshop included establishing common ground for Member States’ interventions, reviewing barriers to regional efforts in preventing political violence escalation and peacemaking in the IGAD region, discussing the existing tools developed by the Secretariat, addressing challenges facing IGAD Preventive Diplomacy and Mediation, and reinvigorating IGAD’s reputation as a peacemaker regionally.
The participants included representatives from Member States, focal point experts, members of the IGAD Panel of Elders (formerly known as the roster of IGAD Mediators), and partner organisations including the African Union Panel of the Wise, ACCORD, and FEMWISE.