Global Peace partners with CYC for the empowerment of youth


ACCORD signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Youth Council – the largest youth-led organisation in the world.

Towards forming a partnership that will advance the empowerment of youth, ACCORD Executive Director, Dr. Vasu Gounden, and the Vice Chairperson of the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC), Ms. Abena Dugan, signed an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the 5th of May 2019. CYC and ACCORD’s Global Peace initiative will be working together to bring Inter-Generational Dialogues (IGDs) to 100 cities across the world.

Subsequent to the signing, the following day saw the launch of the Inaugural Global Peace IGD in Accra, hosted by the President of Ghana, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo and the Chairperson of ACCORD’s Board of Trustees, Mrs. Graça Machel.

CYC is the largest youth-led organisation in the world, representing young people in 53 Commonwealth countries. Ms. Dugan is a Ghanaian youth activist and Gender Advocate that has been given the responsibility of engaging 1.3 billion young people around the world on global issues, since her election to the position of Vice Chair in charge of Partnership and Resources of the CYC.

The Inter-Generational Dialogues will serve as a platform for young people to engage with their decsions makers to share inputs on what a better world should look like. Partnering with CYC to share resources and work together will allow for scaled impact around the world, towards greater empowerment of youth and efforts to secure their future.

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