Gender mainstreaming in the African Union and Member States

Advancing women’s access to economic resources to build our continent’s resilience in nutrition.

Aligned with the African Union Commission (AUC) 2022 theme, ‘Building Resilience in Nutrition on the African Continent: Accelerate the Human Capital, Social and Economic Development’, ACCORD as a founding member and current board member of the Gender Is My Agenda Campaign, (GIMAC), contributed to, and participated in the 38thGIMAC Pre-summit Consultative Meeting that took place from 2-4 February 2022.  The theme, informed by Aspiration (1) of Agenda 2063, envisions a ‘prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development’ noting the critical significance of developing the human capital and building a healthy and well-nourished population. The declaration emphasized nutrition, particularly child nutrition, as the foundation to human capital development and social and economic transformation of Africa.    

The hybrid discussions centred on Gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and their role in Agriculture and Nutrition, importantly noting how they have a bearing on the three underlying determinants of nutrition which include food security, care practices, and health. The panel discussions thematically covered different topics ranging from agriculture; governance; peace and security; education; sexual and reproduction health and rights; employment; unpaid care and domestic work; livelihoods; climate change and monitoring of women’s rights using the Maputo Protocol Score card and Index. Panellists highlighted gender issues as an unresolved challenge in agricultural systems, and emphasised the untapped potential in ensuring gender-transformative development processes that target women and youth. ACCORD’s General Manager of Programmes, Ms Karishma Rajoo moderated the Peace and Security session.  Ms Sabina Tadera, a South African Women Peacebuilder trained through ACCORD’s 2021 Capacity Building Initiative, highlighted the plight of women and girls affected by conflict and instability caused through food insecurities. A key recommendation that panellists shared was that leaders must prioritise inclusivity and gender-transformative outcomes in agricultural development strategies. Madame Bineta Diop, in her closing remarks, reflected on accountability and ensuring investments and activities directly benefit those affected by malnutrition.  Mme Diop also reminded the participants of the need to ensure that commitments made are delivered. The event concluded with a presentation of the summary of recommendations, which will be passed to the AUC.

ACCORD’s continued participation and support to GIMAC contributes to enhancing the capacity of women and youth to influence, participate equally, lead peace processes and support the implementation of peacebuilding initiatives. This support further contributes to the AU’s engagement with the RECs/RMs work on women, peace and security. 

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