First meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the International Network of Historians without Borders

A view of the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (of 1941-1945), on the day of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's visit to Kiev (UN Photo/Andrey Krepkih)

Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD contributes to initiative promoting open and free access to historical archives.

On 16 September 2016 the Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, Vasu Gounden, attended the above meeting in Berlin, Germany in his capacity as a member of the Committee.

Historians without Borders was founded by Finnish historians in June 2015. It aims to promote and deepen general and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of history; promote open and free access to historical material and archives; promote interactive dialogue between different views and interpretations of history to bring closer diverging views of the course of historical events; and to support efforts to impede the abuse of history to foster conflicts or to sustain distorted myths, and to contribute to the use of history in defusing conflicts.

In October 2015 Mr Gounden was invited to attend an African Dialogue Lecture Series on Historians without Boarders that was hosted by the Finnish Embassy in South Africa and the Southern African Research Chairs Initiative’s (SARCHI’s) Chair for African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, which was held in South Africa.

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