Facilitation Training for Women-led NGOs & CBOs in South Africa

Image source: Flickr

The relevance of emotional intelligence in the training and facilitation space.

A cohort of fourteen women peacebuilders participated in a two-part training session to assist in developing their facilitation skills. As a continuation of ACCORD’s Capacity Building Initiative that promotes peacebuilding at a local level, the two sessions held on 16 and 26 September 2021 sought to strengthen their communication and interaction skills as outreach workers. The curriculum, as designed by Ms Alison Lazarus, provided the women with information and tools on, useful pedagogies AKA facilitation; 21st century skills; trainer vs facilitator differentiation; training preparation; comparing and facilitating groups in conflict and groups in learning circles; and dealing with difficulties using role play. 

The two main takeaways identified by the participants, included the view that facilitators need to be open to correction, and the need to use emotional intelligence in the training and facilitation space.  This shared knowledge space allowed participants to understand the need to have an open when working in community.

The sessions concluded with participants sharing their experiences and challenges faced within their organisations. These women are, and remain emotionally invested in their local communities, as such the realisation that, ‘passion does not pay the bills’ and ‘work can sometimes be overwhelming’ came through strongly. Running an NGO or CBO requires structure and management systems, especially when applying for funding.  The notion of volunteerism sounds perfect, however due consideration must be given to the array of resources required for sustainability, coupled to human capital. 

As these women explore and deepen their knowledge through the trainings and support that ACCORD has provided with this pilot programme, we acknowledge more so, the need for projects of nature.  The donor has also communicated appreciation for the project and offered to provide for a continuation of this capacity building initiative. 

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