This second engagement, on raising awareness of the Revised African Union (AU) Post Conflict Reconstruction Development (PCRD) Policy (2024) was held in Cairo, Egypt from 28-30 July 2024. The three-days were led by the AU Governance & Conflict Prevention (GCP) Directorate and the AU PCRD Centre based in Cairo. ACCORD was in attendance, supporting efforts aimed at enhancing stakeholders’ knowledge and understanding of the Revised AU PCRD Policy.
The revision of the AU PCRD policy was prompted by the emerging peace and security challenges on the Continent, and the need to incorporate a peacebuilding component to cover the entire conflict cycle and countries in political transition.
The engagements involved representatives from African embassies of African countries and embassies abroad, including those from Libya, Burkina Faso, Somalia, Turkey, Japan and others. Additionally, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in Egypt, led by the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), were also in attendance. The engagements not only raised awareness, but also shared lessons learned from the previous PCRD policy implementation in Somalia and Liberia. As part of this effort, the embassies were invited to participate in developing bilateral joint action/work-plan with the PCRD Centre, to be finalised and implemented between 2025 and 2027.
In efforts to enhance collaboration, coordination and partnerships for the Revised AU PCRD Policy, the PCRD Centre will continue to host bilateral engagements with the embassies and institutes that were in attendance. The engagements are in alignment with ACCORD’s efforts to enhance institutional responses of the AU to complex conflicts, and its efforts to strengthen the role of multidimensional stakeholders in addressing and resolving complex conflicts.