Applying a gender lens to conflict management, prevention and resolution

Approaches, methods, and interventions for dealing with conflict

Following the success of last year’s training, ACCORD once again collaborated with UN Women Zimbabwe to conduct a virtual Gender-Sensitive Conflict Management, Prevention and Resolution training for Zimbabwean women. The women were divided into two groups that joined sessions on the 9th-10th March and 16th-17th March 2022 respectively. The participants representing the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), the Women Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCOZ), and the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) in Zimbabwe, who contributed to these training sessions, represent a variety of networks in Zimbabwe. These networks aim to build women’s participation and leadership, as well as to promote peace and social cohesion within their communities. 

Expert facilitator Dr. Martha Mutisi, revived and reminded the participants of their strengths, skills, capacities and relevance as mediators and peace actors. Dr. Mutisi provided an overview of the concept, characteristics and dimensions of conflict, as well as an analysis of the gender dimensions of conflict. She also presented an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of different conflict management approaches, methods, and interventions for dealing with conflict, particularly in the context of Zimbabwe’s new needs. The participants engaged in discussions on their possible approach to the preparation of a National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security for Zimbabwe.

ACCORD continues to strengthen communication and collaboration among participants to bring coherence to the conflict prevention approach. ACCORD looks forward to engaging in more events and trainings with UN Women Zimbabwe, as well as connecting with more women’s organizations, to encourage meaningful participation of women in all peace processes.

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