The Training for Peace (TfP) Programme in collaboration with the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre (RPTC) conducted a Civil Military Coordination Course (CIMIC) and Conflict Management for Peacekeepers and Peacebuilders Course (CM4PK) for the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Standby Force (SSF) in collaboration with the SADC Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre from 27 – 31 July 2009 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The course consisted of civilian, police and military personnel selected by the SADC Secretariat through member state nominations.
The course consisted of a five (5) day residential programme for approximately seventy (70) civilian, police and military personnel and aimed at assisting participants understand the essence of coherence and coordination in a multidimensional and integrated peace operation context to achieve a mission’s mandate. Furthermore, it offered participants a deeper understanding of conflict analysis and a better appreciation of how the principles and techniques in negotiation and mediation can be applied to ameliorate simulated peace operations tensions during the SSF Field Training Exercise (FTX) in Lohatla, South Africa.