ACCORD with the United Cities and local governments of Africa hosts training of trainers case study workshop

Photo Credit: UCLG-Africa

Adding depth to detailing conflicts at the local level.

ACCORD, in collaboration with the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), hosted a Training of Trainers (ToT) Case Study Workshop, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 6-9 May 2024.

In September 2023, ACCORD and UCLG Africa commenced the process of preparing and capacitating a cohort of selected members of the UCLG Africa network with conflict management skills. The training of the cohort took place through various platforms that included both in-person and virtual sessions, to allow for mentoring, coaching, and practice-sharing of experiences. The sessions were designed to deepen knowledge of content, strengthen understanding of action/reflection learning, and develop a deeper appreciation of the philosophy and practice of training. The ToT Case Study Workshop was a continuation of this progression and focused on the use of case studies as a teaching tool for conflict management.

The participants in this training cohort were strategically selected by UCLG Africa from local governments, taking into account their pivotal roles in their communities. As a result, each case study designed by the participants demonstrated a thorough understanding of the complexity of conflicts at the local level and their impact.  Furthermore, the workshop provided the participants with the opportunity to enhance their understanding of conflict management knowledge and content.

The ToT Case Study Workshop was a training activity aimed at enhancing the trainer capacity within the UCLG Africa network, thus further advancing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between ACCORD and UCLG Africa. The focus of the MoU is to build and strengthen the role of multi-dimensional stakeholders to deal with complex conflicts.

Article by:

Wandile Langa
Wandile Langa
Programme Officer