ACCORD continues to support the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) in its efforts to promote peace and security in the region by providing training support in conflict management, focusing on mediation and negotiation.

From 22 April to 3 May 2013, the SADC Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre (SADC RPTC) held a Peace Support Operations Course for senior police officers in Harare – Zimbabwe in which ACCORD participated by facilitating key sessions. The course objectives were to prepare 21 SADC Senior police officers in rebuilding national Police capacity in a peacekeeping environment and with due respect for human rights and humanitarian law. The course also aimed to enhance the participants’ skills in creating effective partnerships with national counterparts, civil society and international actors. Specifically, ACCORD, through the Peacemaking Unit, delivered training on the topics of ‘Conflict Resolution & Management’ and ‘Negotiation & Mediation’.
The training helped the participants to level their understanding on the key concepts and terms used in the practice of peacemaking and conflict management. The sessions further assessed the participants’ understanding of the stages of conflict and how to situate their role in peace support operations and in the context of a mediation process. The training also allowed the opportunity to learn the range of negotiation and mediation approaches. This was enabled by the participant’s in-depth analysis of a case study that encompassed a negotiation and mediation scenario.
The commitment to assist SADC RPTC in the delivery of this course affirms ACCORD’s dedication to work with likeminded entities to contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflicts on the African continent.