ACCORD trains Darfuri women in conflict management, negotiation and facilitation


A delegation of Darfuri Women are now more prepared to address conflict challenges during the Doha peace process, having completed conflict resolution, negotiation and facilitation training conducted by the ACCORD Peacemaking Unit in partnership with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) Sudan, and the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNIMAD).


The training took place from 5-7 October 2010 in Durban, South Africa and included eighteen participants. Following the training participants attended the seminar entitled ‘Resolution 1325 in 2010…Looking Back, Looking Forward’ co-hosted by ACCORD and the African Union Peace and Security Commission, from 8-9 October 2010 in Durban.

ACCORD’s Deputy Director, Mr. Jerome Sachane training participants in negotiation

The training aimed to enhance the capacity and strategies of women in Darfur to address conflict challenges at local, national and regional levels during the Doha peace process and during subsequent peace processes. The training forms part of ACCORD’s larger commitment to support peace in Sudan. The seminar sought to evolve an Africa Wide Strategy for Women in Peace and Security for the next decade (2010 – 2020) that stakeholders across the field can use to strategically inform their activities and set their agendas.

Participants, Fatima Abdel Mounim Eltahir (on the right) and Ebtihal Abdulrhman Eshak Bakheet (on the left), during the training
ACCORD Trainer, Kemi Ogunsanya (on the left) with participant, Zahara Abdal Niem Mohamed Abdalla (on the right) 
Participants engaged in group work during the training
Participants taking part in a strategy development exercise