ACCORD/TfP supports and participates in the 14th Annual African Standby Force Training Implementation Workshop


The African Union Commission (AUC) held the 14th African Standby Force (ASF) Training Implementation Workshop (TIW) at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, Ghana from 30 November – 2 December 2022. Members of the AUC, ACCORD, AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs), Training Centres of Excellence and Training Institutions (TCEs/TIs), and AU mandated operations attended this annual workshop.

The purpose of the 14th ASF TIW was to take stock of the implementation of the ASF Training Directives (2021 – 2023), identify challenges and gaps in implementing them, and explore possible ways of enhancing implementation. The delegates also engaged on the theme of the workshop, ‘Violent Extremism’, and the need for trainings to address contemporary security threats such as terrorism and other forms of violent extremism. As usual, the TIW also provided a platform for engagement of partner institutions on the harmonization of technical support for continental and regional ASF-related training activities.

During the discussions, the stakeholders managed to assess the implementation of recommendations that made in the 13th ASF TIW; review the progress made on the implementation of the ASF Training Directives (2021-2023); and disseminate the M&E Plan that was designed to monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of ASF Training Directive (2021-2023).

ACCORD, provided technical support in partnership with the AU PSOD to organise the event. ACCORD through its Training for Peace (TfP) Programme remains committed to supporting the AU’s concerted efforts towards African peace and security.

Article by:

Wandile Langa
Wandile Langa
Programme Officer