ACCORD/TfP participates in the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of APSTA


The African Peace Support Trainers’ Association discusses past and upcoming activities, funding opportunities and its relations to the African Union.

The 2nd Extraordinary Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the African Peace Support Trainers’ Association (APSTA) was held in Yaounde, Cameroon on 08 June 2018. The AGM was preceded by the Board and Members Working Committee meeting.

APSTA is a voluntary association of individuals, training centres, academics and institutions working in Africa. APSTA is a network of training institutions who seek to improve capacity in peacekeeping and protection of civilians by facilitating the exchange of lessons learned and capacity development support, and for enhancing the impact of peace support initiatives by the African Union (AU) and regional economic communities/regional mechanism (RECs/RM).

All trainings and researches provided by APSTA members are conducted in an effort to ensure or enhance the capacity of civilian, military and police who could be deployed to a peace support operation.

The meeting discussed past and upcoming activities, funding opportunities from potential donors and its relations vis-à-vis to the African Union. The participants also discussed the reinforcement of APSTA’s prerogatives and priorities in general and particularly in preparation of the 24th IAPTC Annual Conference set to take place in Auckland, New Zealand, in October 2018 that seeks place African perspectives at the centre of PSO training priorities. As a training institution, ACCORD participated in the discussions and explained its current and future training programmes in terms of conflict prevention and management, mediation and peacebuilding.

ACCORD/TfP was represented by Mr Kitenge Fabrice Tunda, Programme Officer, Peacekeeping Unit.

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