ACCORD supports Liberian peace consolidation by developing nationwide conflict-mapping tools

ACCORD's Peacebuilding Unit Senior Programme Officer facilitating a session on the selection of targetted respondents to be interviewed

ACCORD's African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme develop research methodologies for mapping conflict and contributing to peacebuilding knowledge.

Understanding the context and dynamics of a conflict is a major starting point for the design and redesign of peacebuilding programmes. It can further help in assessing the impact peacebuilding actors have made in shaping the conflict dynamics and support peacebuilding priorities.

ACCORD’s African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme (APCP) in conjunction with the Liberian Peacebuilding Office conducted a workshop on the development of conflict mapping tools and the building of data analysis skills, of Liberian Peacebuilding actors, as part of its continued effort to support the nation – wide conflict assessment through practice orientated training. The workshop was conducted from 26-29 October 2015 in Monrovia, Liberia. The workshop aimed to develop targeted survey questionnaires that are specific to each county, and can probe evidence-based findings that will support peacebuilding stakeholders to: use new evidence-based knowledge and innovative responses to peacebuilding challenges; design, plan and implement peacebuilding activities; and build institutional capacity to implement reconciliation projects.

The workshop revised and finalised the draft survey questionnaire for the national conflict mapping exercise, and built the skills of 25 Conflict Mappers and Analysts on data analysis skills to analyse the data from the research. The Conflict Mappers and Analysts discussed and agreed on key themes and sections under which the data can be analysed and questions can be asked. The workshop defined and identified social structures as targets for the actual conflict mapping in 75 districts and defined Conflict Mapping Codes based on Liberia’s Institute of Statistics for Geographic-information Services, (LISGIS)’s guidelines.

In addition, the selection criteria for locations to conduct the research was discussed and agreed, as well as the selection of codes for each respondent identified. Most importantly, the Liberian peacebuilding actors piloted the questionnaire for the nation-wide conflict mapping assessment and made changes where necessary.

This initiative will support the nation-wide conflict mapping process, which will in turn support the Strategic Roadmap for National Healing, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation; and also build the practical capacity of Liberians to understand the issues affecting peace consolidation in the country.

The workshop was held under the auspices of ACCORD’s APCP. The overall objective of the APCP is to contribute to greater coherence and coordination amongst peacebuilding actors in Africa towards enhanced stability and security across the continent, with Liberia being one of APCP’s focus countries. ACCORD will continue to enhance the capacity building of key peacebuilding stakeholders in Liberia as part of the APCP.

Article by:

John Ahere
Coordinator: Peacebuilding Unit

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