ACCORD supports implementation of New Deal in DRC

ACCORD’s Peacebuilding Unit has conducted a 4-day workshop on the implementation of the New Deal in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The New Deal is a new approach in which the international community engages with fragile states to enhance sustainable peacebuilding and statebuilding. The DRC pilots the implementation of the New Deal and the workshop’s objectives were to enhance participants understanding of the process, its policies and implementations and also to enhance participants’ skills sets on monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of the New Deal.

Conducted in Kinshasa from 29 October to 01 November 2012, the workshop brought together 42 peacebuilding stakeholders from across the country and was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning of the DRC and PREGESCO a Civil Society Organization (CSO) operating in the Great Lakes Region. Participants represented the government of the DRC, CSOs, United Nations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and came from Kindu, Kisangani, Goma, Bukavu, Lubumbashi, Beni, Mbuji Mayi and Kinshasa.

Following the official launching of the New Deal in Kinshasa in August 2012, the DRC has developed approximately 60 indicators for the Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals (PSG). The sessions provided the opportunity for participants to better understand the tools and analysis used to obtain the indicators that have been developed. Through presentations and group work linking the indicators to desired results, participants’ skills in monitoring and evaluation of the New Deal were enhanced. These skills will be very useful for measuring successes of the New Deal.

ACCORD has been engaged in the contribution to sustainable peacebuilding in the DRC by contributing to capacity development and local ownership. The workshop was implemented to ensure that it fits within the DRC peacebuilding context, thereby contributing to a locally driven process.

The workshop was sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Article by:

Gustavo de Carvalho
Senior Researcher on Russia-Africa ties at the African Governance and Diplomacy Programme, SAIIA

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