ACCORD strengthening the capacity of religious leaders in the DRC

Photo Credit: Adam Randera

Empowering multidimensional stakeholders to intervene in conflicts.

From 26 to 28 July 2024, ACCORD hosted a training workshop for religious leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The three-day training, which took place in Kinshasa, was conducted upon the request of Kairos DRC, and built on previous trainings which ACCORD has conducted for religious leaders in the DRC and across Africa.

The training, which was led by Prof. Celine Sikulisimwa and Rev. Dr Joël Kuvuna, recapped and reinforced some of the lessons of previous trainings while introducing a new focus on network building as well as the specific roles religious leaders can play in resolving conflicts.

With the DRC having recently conducted a national election, attention was also given to discussing the current conflict landscape in the DRC and the avenues through which religious leaders could affect peacebuilding policies in the country. 

ACCORD has collaborated with various religious organisations to enhance local and national peacebuilding efforts. These groups often have unique and powerful avenues to intervene in or prevent violent conflict. Religious leaders often hold positions of high status and respect in their communities and are viewed as moral authorities, particularly when promoting peace. Moreover, the sense of community and belonging fostered by these institutions can mitigate the marginalisation that frequently leads to radicalisation. These communities also provide platforms for organisation and activism in defence of human rights and in support of the provision of basic services, offering citizens constructive ways to hold governments accountable, or can complement government structures in the provision of services further reducing the potential for violence.

This training aligns with ACCORD’s continued efforts to enhance the roles played by multidimensional stakeholders in addressing complex conflicts. As well as engaging with religious leaders, ACCORD has ongoing programmes to bolster the capacity of stakeholders such as local government officials, community leaders, women and youth. All of which are crucial constituencies in building sustainable peace and addressing continental challenges.

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