ACCORD researches threat of climate related conflicts in Africa

ACCORD has conducted field research in Sudan to investigate the increasing threat of climate related conflicts in Africa. The research findings will inform the work of policy makers and the NGO sector to deal with and prevent climate related conflicts.

ACCORD’s Salome Bronkhorst meets with SPLM aligned traditional leaders in Kadugli, Sudan

Salome Bronkhorst, ACCORD’s Knowledge Production Department Coordinator, carried out the research from 14 – 29 July in Khartoum and Kadugli, in the South Kordofan State. She met with the Governor of South Kordofan and other government officials who play a key role in developing policies to deal with environmental change and conflicts between pastoralists and farmers in a region marred by the decades long civil war that ended in 2005. Salome also met with local and international NGOs who often deal with environmentally related conflicts. In Khartoum she met with Sudanese experts on South Kordofan and pastoral/farmer conflicts.

There is strong evidence to suggest that climate change will lead to further competition over natural resources, which may result in conflicts or exacerbate existing ones. Preliminary findings of the study indicate that desertification, deforestation and contests over land and water for grazing and farming are key factors in conflicts in this area. The research will contribute to the development of policies and practical tools to address and prevent such climate-related conflicts.

The outcomes of the research will be published as a brief for policy makers and practitioners as well as a comprehensive research report.

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