ACCORD staff recently flew to Oslo, Norway, to participate in planning the fourth phase of the Training for Peace Programme (TfP) in conjunction with our TfP partners. The meeting from 9-11 June was arranged by the Royal Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs to discuss an updated strategy for the TfP Programme.
The TfP Partners Strategic Planning Meeting is part of a process aimed at defining the key strengths and added-value that TfP can offer in the field of peacekeeping in Africa.

The meeting provided the space for partners to discuss the strategic direction of the Programme in line with current realities in the field. Specifically, it addressed issues related to TfP’s uniqueness, overall goal, purpose, objectives and criteria for its three pillars – training, policy development and research. It also examined the next steps of the process to develop and design a series of training, research and policy development activities as well as methods of reporting on the outcomes of these activities.
The Training for Peace in Africa programme is a joint initiative of ACCORD, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC).