ACCORD Participates in “The Role of Leading Edge NGOs in the Next Decade” Workshop

Ms Pravina Makan-Lakha, ACCORD’s Programmes’ Co-ordinator, attended a workshop on ‘The Role of Leading Edge NGO’s in the Next Decade’ which took place in Kenya from 26-27 October. The workshop was hosted by the TROCAIRE East Africa Regional Office in collaboration with ABANTU for Development, and aimed to reflect on the roles played by NGOs from a historical perspective, with a focus into the future.

Some of the key issues that were discussed included NGO’s sustainability, considerations of Aid Modalities, and innovation and creativity. The workshop provided participants with an opportunity to reflect on the current role of leading edge NGO’s, and project that role into the future.

Ms Makan-Lakha presented a paper at the workshop on African civil society’s response to conflict challenges, and reflected on the role of ACCORD in Africa, and ACCORD’s various interventions as a leading NGO in the field.

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