ACCORD participates in the 3rd Executive Steering Committee of FemWise-Africa

Executive Steering Committee FemWise Africa

Enhancing the implementation of the commitments for women’s inclusion in peacemaking in Africa.

For peace initiatives to remain sustainable in the long-term, women must be included in every level of the process. ACCORD thus remains committed to supporting the African Union (AU) and regional organisations in increasing effective participation of women in peacemaking. To this end, ACCORD participated in the 3rd Executive Steering Committee meeting of the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise-Africa) organised by the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 28th November 2018. ACCORD was represented by Mrs Pravina Makan-Lakha, General Manager of Business Development; and Ms Irene Limo, Coordinator of the Peacemaking Unit.

Executive Steering Committee FemWise Africa

The role of women in conflict resolution remains marginal despite several resolutions, such as United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and continental commitments made to increase women’s participation in mediation and peace processes. To achieve this, there is need to increase women’s access to and participation in peace mediation and negotiation in Africa. The FemWise-Africa Network thus provides a platform for strategic advocacy, capacity building and networking aimed at enhancing the implementation of the commitments for women’s inclusion in peacemaking in Africa.

The Executive Steering Committee thus discussed the work of the Network undertaken in 2018 as well as possible initiatives for the Network in 2019 seeking to strengthening women’s role in mediation in Africa. Discussions were also held on strengthening the Network.

ACCORD remains committed to strengthening mediation capacities of women as well as to enhancing participation of women in peace processes. ACCORD thus continues its support to the AU on the strategic, substantive and technical aspects towards operationalization of FemWise-Africa.

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