In line with its commitment to promote gender equality and gender-sensitive approaches to peacebuilding and conflict management, ACCORD participated in an Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Conference to Launch Gender Milestones. The milestones are the Regional Strategy for Higher Representation of Women in Decision Making Positions, Regional Action Plan for Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions and IGAD Women and Peace Forum.
The main objectives of the conference were: to launch the aforementioned milestones; to enlighten participants on the content of the Regional Strategy and RAP; to lobby and advocate for an immediate adoption and implementation of the milestones at member states levels; to facilitate election of the Women Peace Forum office bearers as well as to discuss and determine the placement of the Forum. This conference took place in Djibouti from 7-9 October, 2013.

ACCORD has engaged in similar initiatives, especially in the field of peacemaking, through projects with the African Union and UN Women. As such, the organisation provided expert insights aimed at enhancing gender mainstreaming in IGAD’s line of interventions. Representation at the conference constituted all IGAD Member states through their Women Parliamentary Caucuses, Ministries of Women/Gender Affairs as well as representatives of civil society organisations and academia. IGAD’s development partners and other collaborating agencies were also in attendance.
The realisation of sustainable peace, security and development calls for a multi-prong, multi-stakeholder and gender-sensitive approach to peacebuilding and conflict management. It is this rationale that led to among others, the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 as well as IGAD’s accompanying Milestones, which were all endorsed by the Regular Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers on 11 July 2012.
ACCORD anticipates to enhance its partnership with IGAD as it operationalises its various gender milestones. ACCORD’s commitment to the process affirms its dedication to continue to collaborate with likeminded entities to contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflicts on the African continent.