ACCORD participates in the 2018 AMISOM Budget Workshop held at the Sarova Stanley Hotel Nairobi, Kenya

Amisom Budget

AMISOM re-evaluates its priorities and mandate implementation in response to Somalia's changing peace and security dynamics.

The Somali political landscape has been positively, gradually and continually changing and the recent presidential elections are a testimony of the changes that have raised the hopes of the citizens and the international community in the attainment of durable peace and security for Somalia. The African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has and will continue to play a significant role in the realisation of those hopes.

In order to respond to the changing peace and security dynamics and to effectively assist Somalia to take over issues of governance, AMISOM has been re-evaluating its priorities and mandate implementation in pursuance of its objective of enhancing durable peace and security in that country. Annually, AMISOM organises and conducts a budget workshop for the coming fiscal year while being guided by its identified priorities. AMISOM invites the participation of its partners to establish the level of partner support so as to determine its programme outlook and the extent of its implementation. The 2018 Budget Workshop took place from 2-3 March, in Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop reviewed the 2016 programme implementation and following presentations by the various thematic areas the workshop also developed a Mission Implementation Plan (MIP) that was subsequently budgeted for.

In its capacity as a partner to AMISOM, and following presentations by the various thematic areas of the AMISOM mission, the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) will receive the final budget and will thence determine, like other partners, which sectors to support based on its comparative advantages.

ACCORD’s involvement in these activities is in response to the AU objective of working with partners to enhance the skills and capacities of the African Standby Force to respond to threats to peace and security on the African continent.

ACCORD’s participation is also in line with its core Training for Peace (TfP) programme objective of enhancing the capacity of the UN/AU/RECs/RMs to plan implement, manage, monitor and review and liquidate Peace Support Operations (PSOs) missions.

ACCORD/TfP Programme is an initiative funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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