ACCORD invited to present on the Complexity and Convergence of Conflict in Africa at the Norwegian Embassy in Pretoria


Vasu Gounden invited to present to EU Ambassadors on the trends and drivers of African conflicts.

On 24 March 2017 ACCORD’s Founder and Executive Director, Dr Vasu Gounden, was invited to present to the European Union Ambassadors accredited to South Africa on the Complexity and Convergence of Conflict in Africa. The presentation addressed the trends and drivers of conflict present on the continent and ACCORD’s response as a conflict resolution institution.

The event was hosted by the Norwegian Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.

In September and October 2016 the Executive Director made similar presentations in Finland and Norway as well as to the European Union (EU). In 2016 the Executive Director also addressed the EU Ambassadors accredited to the African Union (AU), which was hosted by the Swedish Ambassador in Ethiopia.

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