ACCORD House Receives a Visit from High School Students from the USA

USA High School Visit

ACCORD hosted fifteen United States high school students visiting SA as part of their intercultural engagements and training to broaden young minds for diverse and effective leadership in various spheres of skills.

The theme of the visit was ‘Youth and Conflict Resolution’, that aimed at sharing and discussing comparatively different youth developments dynamics and challenges across Africa and the US. The discourse highlighted the importance and value of nurturing effective and solution-oriented youth leadership in societies and communities.

USA High School Visit

The visit was organised by Mr. Imraan Buccus, the School of International Training (SIT) focal-person in South Africa. SIT fosters a worldwide network of young individuals and organisations committed to responsible global citizenship, that is founded on the understanding, observance and acceptance of the commonality of humanity, irrespective of social backgrounds or origins.

Presentations during the morning included a general overview of ACCORD’s work with the Youth and Conflict Resolution in Africa that was followed by a presentation by Mr. Kiru Naidoo, from the provincial government of KwaZulu-Natal, that focused on Youth Leadership and Conflict Resolution in South Africa.

USA High School Visit

Upon their return to the US, the students will endeavour to apply the lessons learned from this visit in their school and community initiatives and projects, including its application in their career growth.

Article by:

Wandile Langa
Wandile Langa
Programme Officer

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