On 10-11 October 2019, ACCORD conducted a two-day workshop on Capacity Building for 40 Officers and Senior Non-commissioned Officers from the Central African Republic’s (CAR) armed forces at the Head Quarter of the Ministry of Defence in Bangui.
The workshop was opened by the Honourable Minister of Defence, Madam Koyara Marie Noelle. As part of the CAR Government’ Negotiation Team that led the peace talks in Khartoum, Madam Koyara had received training from ACCORD previously. Madam Noelle, in her open remarks, stressed the value of ACCORD’s training in the lead up to the peace talks and the importance of its continued support to the Ministry of Defence.

The workshop covered modules of conflict analysis, mediation and conflict resolution techniques, the importance of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration process, the role of the military in building peace and other cross-cutting issues, and challenges associated with the implementation of the 2019 Political Accord for Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in CAR (APPR-CAR). The workshop is part of ACCORD’s programme funded by the European Union (EU) that is providing support to increase and strengthen the capacity of the Government of CAR, the Regional Inter-Governmental Guarantors, and local and national stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the Political Accord for Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in CAR.