ACCORD hosts the Ambassador of Ireland to South Africa

Local stakeholders responding to various socio-political challenges faced by the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

ACCORD hosted the Ambassador of Ireland to South Africa, H.E.  Ambassador Ms. Fionnuala Gilsenan at the ACCORD offices in Durban, South Africa on 10 May 2022. She was accompanied by the Deputy Head of Mission, Mr Tim Reilly and Second Secretary Mr Paul Deane. Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) local stakeholders included the Bishop of Natal, Revered Rubin Philp, Dean of the Province, Bishop Mike Vorster and Ms Suraksha Singh representing the Democracy Development Programme (DDP).  The delegation was briefed on the socio-political challenges in the province of KZN following the April 2022 floods, the aftermath of unrest during July 2021 and the initiatives being implemented in the province by faith based institutions, and other stakeholders to respond to these challenges.  

This visit by the Irish Ambassador and her delegation provided the pathway for further engagement and support on the research and dialogue that will be required for effective conflict prevention approaches.  ACCORD continues to engage with the various local stakeholders on how to better address the challenges the province face. 

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