ACCORD Founder and Executive Director Attends International Steering Group Meeting


Vasu Gounden attends ISG meeting of Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in Indiana, USA.

On 01-02 November 2016, the Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, Vasu Gounden, attended the International Steering Group (ISG) meeting of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) that was held at Notre Dame University in Indiana, USA.

ACCORD has been involved in GPPAC since its inception, including having previously served as the Southern Africa Regional Secretariat for GPPAC. ACCORD is now a non-regional member of the ISG. During the meeting the Executive Director was asked to present a short briefing on policy highlights and opportunities for CSOs to engage in prevention work with governments and regional organisations in Africa.

In 2005 and 2013, ACCORD hosted the GPPAC ISG meetings in Pretoria and 2011 in Durban, South Africa. GPPAC remains a partner in ACCORD’s Great Lakes Project in the areas of political stability, as well as socio-economic development. ACCORD will continue to contribute towards strengthening the GPPAC southern Africa network.

For further information on ACCORD’s partnership with GPACC, please follow the links below:

Article by:

Stephanie De Freitas
Stephanie de Freitas
Programme Officer: Operations Division

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