ACCORD facilitates Training of Trainers in Conflict Management in DRC


Consolidating the capacities of stakeholders previously trained by ACCORD's Department for International Development (DFID) project.

As a follow-up to the training that was convened in Kinshasa, the Democratic of the Congo (DRC) from the 17-21 September 2018, ACCORD implemented a Training of Trainers (ToT) on Conflict Management in Kinshasa, DRC from 15-19 July 2019. The ToT was attended by 23 stakeholders from government, academia, faith-based organisations and civil society groups.

The ToT aimed to consolidate the capacities of those stakeholders previously trained by ACCORD under its Department for International Development (DFID) project focused on strengthening capacities of national and local capacities for peace. The training focused on concepts, tools and skills for Conflict Management, building the capacity of stakeholders to design and facilitate training in Conflict Management in their respective organisations and to relevant target stakeholders and constituencies. The training emphasised on local ownership by strengthening local and national capacities to mitigate conflict and build sustainable peace, security and development in the DRC.

In discussing the context for the DRC, the participants pointed out that other conflict dynamics need attention and intervention other than politics; and these include electoral disputes, challenges in forming new governments and land disputes. Furthermore, democracy has also become a source of various post-electoral conflicts.

In line with ACCORD’s strategic pillar two on strengthening local and national capacities for peace, ACCORD remains committed to enhancing the capacity of relevant ministries in national governments, local civil society and academia to respond proactively to prevent and manage local and national level conflicts.

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