ACCORD facilitates Training of Trainers for Sudanese Women from the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains

Sudanese women and girls

Advancing mediation and conflict prevention capacities of Sudanese women to ensure effective and enhanced mediation interventions.

ACCORD in partnership with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Mediation Support Unit (MSU) held a three-day Training of Trainers for Sudanese women from the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains. The training was held from the 3-5 February 2020 in Juba, South Sudan.

The training was in response to the peace processes currently taking place in Sudan. Moreover, it was a follow up to the Basic training that was held in 2019. It provided a platform to ascertain the progress made by the trainers as well as to advance mediation and conflict prevention capacities and techniques of the women so as to ensure effective and enhanced mediation interventions.

The objectives of the training were to promote and strengthen the role of women in conflict zones so as to be able to address and mitigate conflict effectively through mediation and conflict prevention approaches. It further served as a channel for the IGAD MSU to strengthen its efforts in the region towards conflict mitigation and conflict prevention.

The training was significant in that it brought women who were representatives from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N). The participants comprised of the governing councils, political educators and mobilisers working in various sectors including women in child welfare and empowerment, the army as well as members involved in the current negotiations between the SPLM-N and the Transitional Government of Sudan.

The engagement during the course of the training enabled the participants to gain a better understanding of the tools that will be required during the peace processes that are currently underway in the country. Key to this is the enhanced understanding of conflict analysis, mediation and negotiation that will be essential to the peace processes.

ACCORD will continue to collaborate with the IGAD MSU towards crisis mitigation and conflict prevention at the national and regional levels.

Article by:

Marisha Ramdeen
Coordinator: Programmes

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