ACCORD discuss MoU with IGAD in support of peace and security in the region


Establishment of a strategic partnership between IGAD and ACCORD to facilitate cooperation in preventing and resolving conflict in the region.

ACCORD has hosted H.E. Ambassador Tewolde Gebremeskel, the Director of Peace and Security at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). H.E. Ambassador Gebremeskel represented IGAD’s Executive Secretary, H.E. Ambassador Mahboub Maalim. The visit enabled discussions between the regional body (IGAD is made up of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda) and ACCORD on areas of possible collaboration and support, and culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organisations.

The purpose of the MoU will be to establish a strategic partnership between IGAD and ACCORD that will facilitate cooperation relating to preventing and resolving conflict in the region through preventive diplomacy, mediation, dialogue and peace building. IGAD and ACCORD share the common vision of a peaceful Horn of Africa region that is able to address its conflicts peacefully and in a sustainable way and have previously collaborated either directly or as part of wider regional and continental efforts. Most recently in September 2014, ACCORD partnered with IGAD to provide training aimed at empowering women mediators from Sudan and South Sudan.

The MoU was signed at a Roundtable in Pretoria hosted by ACCORD. The event was attended by the diplomatic community and think tanks reflected on IGAD’s role and approach to mediation in the region. For more information on IGAD visit

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