ACCORD convenes a case study workshop and graduation ceremony for its Training-of-Trainers 2022/2023 cohort

Image: Kala Media

Developing the technical capacity of conflict management trainers.

ACCORD convened a case study writing workshop and hosted a graduation ceremony for its Training of Trainers (ToT) 2022/2023 cohort, in Pretoria, South Africa, from 7 to 10 November 2023.

The two-year-long ToT journey was co-led by ACCORD’s Manager of Applied Knowledge and Learning, Mr Philip Visser and Expert Trainer, Ms Rene Ngwenya. The training programme and processes included a baseline workshop in 2022, followed by co-training opportunities, and online mentorship sessions. This final Case Study Workshop aimed to strengthen the trainees’ technical capacity in writing case studies and the application thereof as a multi-functional teaching tool. 

During the workshop, the participants had an opportunity to review the conflict management content they had learnt over the past two years, before then refining their case studies. They also had the opportunity to apply their case studies as trainers and receive feedback from fellow participants on how to improve them. The workshop therefore consolidated the process of teaching a case study, and helped participants solidify the learning purpose of their case studies, while ensuring their content knowledge was sufficient to build confidence to teach the case.

Following the workshop, the participants had the opportunity to reflect on their understanding of the use of case studies as a conflict management teaching tool, and their ability to train using these tools, both of which enhanced their skills. As one participant shared, “I would like to thank ACCORD for the opportunity, which has reshaped my work as a trainer, and as a mediator.”

The workshop also provided an opportunity to convene a graduation ceremony, which celebrated the participants’ ToT journey after which they were awarded with certificates of completion. The participants for the ToT process were selected from organisations working at local, national, and regional levels. As such, the programme aligns with ACCORD’s strategic objectives to enhance the roles of women, youth and multi-dimensional stakeholders in responding to complex conflicts.

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