ACCORD participated in a Research Policy Dialogue on Conflict Prevention and Mediation held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 16-17 October 2018. The Dialogue was organised by the African Union (AU) and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA).
The Policy Dialogue brought together researchers, practitioners and policy makers together to exchange ideas from research, good practices and experiences in the area of conflict prevention and mediation, more particularly on African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).
The following sessions were covered during the Policy Dialogue; Reflections on African Peacemaking Efforts, Understanding the Dynamics of African Conflict Prevention, Inclusivity in Peace Processes, Conflict Prevention and Mediation Coordination Mechanisms: Best Practices, Support for AU Peacemaking Efforts, and Reflections and Ways Forward.
The Policy Dialogue discussed the existing tools at the AU, such as Continental Early Warning System (CEWS), the Border Programme (AUBP) and the Panel of the Wise; and the linkages between the said tools in order to effectively prevent violent conflict. Further, the Policy Dialogue discussed why inclusive policy agendas and broader participation, especially of women and youth, is of importance in peace processes. The Dialogues further placed a focus on how gender mainstreaming can contribute to conflict prevention and conflict management.
The Policy Dialogue also reflected on the existing coordination mechanisms between AU, Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) and other partners in the area of conflict prevention and mediation and provided insights on how these efforts can further be enhanced. Moreover, the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and comparative advantage was discussed and how they have been put into practice in order to better coordinate and harmonize efforts on conflict prevention and mediation. The Policy Dialogue further reflected on how to facilitate a flexible support for AU’s conflict prevention and mediation actions, and particularly with regard to financial, human and technical resources.
The Policy Dialogue provided a platform for ACCORD to share its mediation support experiences in Africa as well as learn from mediators and other practitioners in the field.
ACCORD remains committed to supporting conflict prevention and mediation efforts of the AU and the RECs/RMs towards realising sustainable peace in Africa.