In February 2011, ACCORD was invited to contribute conflict management expertise to the process of developing new curricula in natural resource management for agro-forestry tertiary education institutions across the continent of Africa. The control and management of natural resources is seen as a major future driver of conflict, and ACCORD was delighted to play a role in preparing the leaders of tomorrow to play an effective role in conflict mitigation and resolution.

ACCORD’s intervention was at the request of a range of international food and agriculture institutions, and involved conducting a ‘Collaborative Conflict Management and Natural Resources Management’ workshop for twenty-eight faculty staff from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Cameroon, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Mozambique. The event took place in Nairobi from 21-25 February, and aimed to produce appropriate and harmonised curricula for the levels of diploma, Bsc. Msc, and PhD at universities and colleges from participating countries.

Participants were put through a number of participatory exercises on conflict management and mediation, and expressed increased confidence in being able to apply the skills learnt to facilitate negotiations in the field of natural resource management. Many said they would use the skills learnt to diversify course curricula and teaching activities within their institutions.
The week-long consultancy was organised and sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the National Forest Programme Facility (NFPF) and the African Network for Agriculture, Agro Forestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE).
The success of the consultancy has prompted the scheduling of a follow-on course in July for francophone African countries. ACCORD values the opportunity to contribute conflict management skills and expertise to a wide range of contexts on the continent.