ACCORD Co-hosts training workshop, Building resilience and greening the economy

Photo Credit: Gracsious Maviza

Training for the inclusion of climate, peace and security into Zambia’s climate action

ACCORD in collaboration with the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, and the Zambian Ministry of Green Economy, conducted a workshop training workshop at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia from October 29th to 31st 2024. The workshop aimed to enhance the knowledge and understanding of conflict management, and climate-sensitive concepts, frameworks and tools. These resources serve as valuable tools for policymakers and field-based officials as they work to develop policies and practices that anticipate and prevent open conflict and even violence.

Presentations from stakeholders, including Dr Douty Chibamba, Prof Cedric De Coning, Mr Philip Visser, Dr Gracsious Maviza, and Mrs Giulia Caroli, were the focal point of the workshop. The key thematic areas discussed included tracking Zambia’s progress in relation to the Climate, Peace and Security agenda,as well as exploring pathways toward building resilience to climate-induced threats to social cohesion. Participants were invited to share their knowledge and experience of working in areas adversely affected by climate change. Key take-aways that emerged from the discussion session included the recognition that long-term networks across conflict lines are essential for fostering ideas while working toward conflict de-escalation. 

This training workshop is closely tied to ACCORD’s strategic vision of strengthening the role of multidimensional actors to deal with complex conflicts.

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