ACCORD Co-hosts High-Level United Nations Meeting on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Preventive Diplomacy and Mediation in Africa

Enhancing Effectiveness Preventive Diplomacy

Discussing key challenges and exploring options for improving strategic cooperation and coordination of early conflict preventative action.

From 12 to 13 July 2018 ACCORD, in partnership with the United Nations Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) and the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Mediation Support Unit (DPA/MSU) hosted a High-Level Meeting in Durban, South Africa on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Preventive Diplomacy and Mediation in Africa. The High-Level Meeting discussed the key challenges and explored options for improving strategic cooperation, coordination and enhancement of early preventative action, expanding relationships with and supporting national and local mediators, increasing inclusivity in mediation processes, notably through the participation of women and youth, and identifying entry points for utilizing mediation to mitigate and prevent resource based conflicts. ACCORD’s Founder and Executive Director, Advocate Vasu Gounden moderated a session on local and national mediation, while ACCORD’s Coordinator for Special Projects, Ms Karishma Rajoo, presented on the inclusion of women and youth in mediation, and ACCORD’s Senior Advisor, Mr Cedric de Coning, acted as overall moderator for the High-Level Meeting.

This is the 3rd High Level Meeting ACCORD has co-hosted. ACCORD previously co-hosted a high level experts group meeting with OSAA in Cape Town in 2017 and in Durban in 2015.

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